Hey there Illuminator,
A backstage pass and monthly membership into what it takes to merge spirituality, strategy and self expression to build a purposeful & profitable empire, your own way!
Includes an "all in" pass to regular workshops I run on everything from mindset, offers, sales, marketing and more!
Our vision is to help 100 million business owners to create purposeful empires, that solve some of the world's most pressing challenges, whilst living their ideal lifestyle, and being fulfilled in all areas of their lives. We hope you can be one of them!
This membership will give is a documented journey of us growing this movement, as I share what's working and what's not along the way. Together we can be part of a like-minded community, as we support one another to realise all that we can be, without compromising who we truly are, on our journey to our definition of authentic success.
Hey there Illuminator,
Our vision is to help 100 million coaches & personal brands to create purposeful empires, that solve some of the world's most pressing challenges, whilst living their ideal lifestyle, and being fulfilled in all areas of their lives. We hope you can be one of them!
This membership will give you real-time access to my life, business, challenges, successes month by month, so you can walk beside me, and grow as I grow, in actualising this legacy. Together we can be part of a like-minded community, as we support one another to realise all that we can be, without compromising who we truly are, on our journey to our definition of authentic success.
Imagine what's possible..

Just imagine, who we could be, what we could do, and have, if together, we committed a lifetime to realising "This Is Me"...
Spirit is guiding me with a 50+ year vision of what this video documentary series will become.
All big visions start with humble beginnings. Thank you for supporting me with this vision, may this be a space we all be, do and have, all that we ever dreamt of and more
How does This Is Me work?
As my Gene Keys reveal, "You are a force of continual expansion in the world. You are actually under pressure from within to keep expanding. You are designed to evolve far in life. There is a deep pressure driving you to keep transforming yourself and your assets to higher and higher levels.
You have to move to the spiritual dimensions through the material realm, and if you try to bypass this basic law, your life will never quite get off the ground. Therefore, determine clearly what it is that you want in life and form relationships that support it.
Whatever the outer focus of your life, the underlying purpose is to transform the mistakes of the past into the hopes for the future and to leave the world a better place after you are gone. There is no deeper purpose. It links you to the great spiritual hierarchies that have sought to transform humanity for aeons. In honouring this transformational work, you will find your place within those higher evolutions that guide us. At the highest level, you may even be a vessel through which the higher worlds manifest on the physical plane. "
The problem with cookie cutter, mass market business strategies is that when growing our coaching business becomes solely about money, and reaching someone else's idea of success, without considering our own unique spiritual blueprint, life vision or value system, is we become unfulfilled.
For myself - many business models, and approaches to growing a personal brand, felt extremely restrictive to my unique spiritual blueprint.
Many coaches and strategists, have even gone so far, as to criticise "my way". However, when you have the self understanding of your unique spiritual blueprint, and instead you leverage it with a customisable business model that embraces your authenticity, then this is the most efficient and effective way to realise success in a deeply fulfilling way. Following "my way" led to my unconventional award-winning entrepreneur career.
In Human Design I am a 6/2 generator, which is called the hermit role model. It was through this self understanding I learned my strengths and weaknesses as an advisor. I was able to then lean into my strengths which is about being a role model to others. This means I have either done the thing, or am doing the thing, and that the unconventional approach to what gives me the results I get is multi-faceted and best taught by people learning from observation of who I be and what I do, to create what I have.
It is NOT simply a step by step slideshow screen to teach, in fact often my teachings are diluted when I try to teach or advise in this way. Due to my unconventional approach, it is best for me to simply SHOW YOU through this behind the scenes peek into my life, my approach to business strategy, my self expression and my spirituality.
The teachings, and what you learn from seeing me role model what I stand for in my leadership, will surpass any slides or step by step training I could provide you month to month.
This Is Me is — raw, real, unfiltered, honest, and vulnerable.It is the most affordable way for you to become part of this movement, and learn from me month by month as we walk life and business together.
It is a monthly video documentary series, where I share everything I learned throughout the month. Imagine 10 courses in one video.. simply due to the speed by which I am learning, growing, and understanding so many concepts at once..
This is the only place that I share this content.
Buy One Give One Promise
Plus, empower a survivor of sexual abuse through performing arts, so that through self-expression, they develop a positive image of themselves, regain dignity and control of their bodies, and nurture trust among fellow girls.
About Samantha J.
Forbes named her The Illuminator, a trailblazer for the future of entrepreneurship, who is helping entrepreneurs recognise that true fulfilment comes not just from financial achievements, but from a higher purpose.
Samantha J. Is the founder of Humanitarian B-School and Illuminator Luxury Personal Branding Agency. She has set an ambitious goal, to create 1 billion impacts, through her unique approach with her luxury impactful business model, which helps entrepreneurs realise their highest potential, whilst generating profits that they can share with causes that matter such as climate change, inequality, access to food or water, and rescuing children from child sex trafficking to name a few.
About Samantha J.
Introducing Samantha J., the "Illuminator" who weaves spirituality, strategy, and self-expression into a transformative journey for coaches and personal brands. Her mission? To help you regain precious time and reclaim your freedom, all while scaling your business to 7-8 figures! Samantha is a force to be reckoned with—an award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author, medicine woman, and captivating speaker.
At just 21 years old, Samantha spearheaded her family's business, catapulting it to 8-figure success. But she didn't stop there. Fuelled by a burning desire to embody her divine femininity and masculinity, she embarked on a soul-stirring adventure of self-discovery—an odyssey that led her straight to her ultimate highest purpose in this life.As she traversed the globe, Samantha honed her gifts as a medicine woman and strategist, learning from luminaries in neuroscience, shamanism, sacred sexuality, and humanitarian leadership. From this sacred alchemy emerged a methodology that seamlessly blends ancient wisdom, scientific insights, and pragmatic business and leadership strategies. The result? Purposeful and profitable empires where leaders no longer need to compromise. No compromise between profit and purpose. No compromise between authenticity and visibility. No compromise between integrity and influence.
Samantha's unconventional approach empowers coaches to stand out with a luxury brand and a social impact focus. She guides you in building an empire that harmoniously merges purpose and profit, uniting the world as we collectively tackle some of humanity's most pressing challenges: poverty, climate change, sex trafficking, and beyond. Samantha's visionary work has earned her recognition and accolades, with features in over 100+ prestigious publications like CEO Weekly and Forbes. Fox named her one of the Top 20 Entrepreneurs on the Rise in 2021, and Disrupt Magazine hailed her as one of the Top 7 Women Paving the Way of Success in 2022.
Are you ready to step into your power, leave a profound impact, and create a legacy that reverberates through the ages? Samantha J. is here to guide you on a transformational journey, where purpose meets profit, and the extraordinary becomes your reality. Together, let's shape a future where success is redefined, and the impact we make knows no bounds.
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